Table A4 – Lump sum fees in Family Violence Protection Act matters

Table A4 sets out the fees payable by Victoria Legal Aid (VLA) in Family Violence Protection Act 2008 cases in the Magistrates’ or Children’s court.

These fees are effective from 1 January this year. For fees payable prior to this see Archived versions of the Handbook.

Service/proceedingFee payable
The lump sum preparation fee (covers all necessary work)$412
The lump sum preparation fee (urgent matter) applies in any matter where the request for aid is made no earlier than the day immediately preceding the substantive hearing or where the lawyer is otherwise in receipt of an urgent grant$236
Lump sum Preparation Fee for Court Ordered Cross Examination$236
Directions hearing (not normally payable in matters involving court-ordered representation)$154
Appearance fee$412 for each day or part day
Contest appearance fee (payable in the event that a matter proceeds to a contested hearing by way of evidence)$578
Adjournment fee (available where matter is adjourned because the court has ordered VLA to fund cross-examination)$412

Practitioners can claim these fees using ATLAS or submitting a tax invoice.


Where an advocate appears in the hearing of a Family Violence Protection Act 2008 case in the Magistrates’ or Children’s Court which is more than 40 kilometres from the advocate’s usual place of business, a travelling fee may be paid.

This fee is calculated at the rate of 81 cents per kilometre for each kilometre of the return trip in excess of 80 kilometres, and is paid as a disbursement.
