6 – Child Protection guidelines

Child Protection matters are applications under the Children, Youth and Families Act 2005. Subject to the State reasonableness test and the means test Victoria Legal Aid (VLA) may make a grant of legal assistance to:

  • a person such as a parent, guardian or other interested person:

Other matters – special circumstances

If a person seeks a grant of legal assistance from VLA for family proceedings which are outside the Child Protection guidelines, then VLA may make a grant of legal assistance only if the person meets both:

Further information

The notes provide guidance on how the Child Protection guidelines in the VLA Handbook for Lawyers (the Handbook) are interpreted and applied, and provide commentary and examples on eligibility criteria, grants assessment process, documentary requirements and fees and billing.

The notes also provide links to Child Protection worksheets which guide lawyers through the eligbility criteria and the documentary requirements that apply.

The notes are embedded throughout the guidelines.
