Internal reconsideration of decisions

Time limit

If a person wants Victoria Legal Aid (VLA) to reconsider a decision, then the person must request VLA to do so within 14 days after the date of the decision.

Waivers and extensions

In most matters, VLA may waive or extend the time period in which a person can request internal reconsideration of a decision.

However, VLA will not waive or extend the time limit if the request for reconsideration relates to either a criminal trial or a criminal appeal in the County Court or in the Supreme Court.

Reconsideration process

If a person asks VLA to reconsider a decision, the person must give VLA reasons why VLA should change its decision. The VLA staff member who made the original decision (‘the original decision-maker’) will reconsider their decision.

If the original decision-maker changes their original decision, then VLA will tell the person who sought the reconsideration.

If the original decision-maker does not believe they should change their decision, then another decision-maker within VLA will reconsider the decision. This second decision maker has the power to change the decision.

VLA will tell the person who sought reconsideration about the result of the reconsideration. If the second decision maker has not changed the original decision-maker’s decision, then VLA will also tell the person about their right to have the decision reviewed by an independent reviewer.
