Minimum evidence to be retained on file for claims for disbursements and counsel fees


This table sets out the minimum evidence practitioners must retain on file when claiming fees for disbursements. Failure to retain these records may amount to a compliance breach.

Victoria Legal Aid (VLA) may require copies of these documents prior to certifying a claim for payment.

Disbursement typeEvidence
Court filing feesInvoice/receipt
Conduct money


Evidence of service of subpoena

Process server fees


Affidavit of service

FOI costs

Receipt for payment of application fee

Receipt for processing fees

FOI decision letter

Title lodging/search fees


Copy of title

Medical/psychological/psychiatric reports

Request for report or instructions to expert

Tax invoice



Where a non-attendance fee is claimed:

  • evidence of appointment such as an email confirming the appointment
  • reason the client could not attend appointment.
Family reports

Request for report

Tax invoice



Where a non-attendance fee is claimed:

  • evidence of appointment such as an email confirming the appointment
  • reason the client could not attend appointment.
Other expert reports

Request for report or instructions to expert

Tax invoice



Interstate travel costsInvoice/receipts
Travel within VictoriaInvoice/receipt
Overnight allowancesReceipts for accommodation and any meals
Interpreter feesInvoice/receipt
Translation fees


Copies of original documents and translated document.

Counsel fees

This table sets out the minimum evidence practitioners must retain on file when claiming for counsel fees.

Counsel serviceEvidence
PreparationInvoice/receipt or backsheet


Invoice/receipt or backsheet – listing names of persons attending conference and service dates

Additional preparation

Invoice/receipt or backsheet

On occasion VLA may require counsel to keep a log of hours spent on additional preparation. This will be set out in the approval letter.

Preparing documents

Invoice/receipt or backsheet

Copies of documents

Circuit feesInvoice/receipt or backsheet that confirms appearance at court location and service dates
AppearancesInvoice/receipt or backsheet that confirms appearance and service dates
